Re-use. Good Bye Paper Towels. Hello Cotton Flannel

Beautiful cotton napkins, that’s what I need! I can re-use them, wash them, reduce paper towels and support an environmentally friendly footprint at our home. I dream up the napkins, dark colour with a fun flowered pattern. I search the internet, shopping websites and read napkin reviews in-depth! There is nothing that I love. Etsy! That’s it, there’s where I’ll find what I want There are many beautiful napkins with screen printed artwork, or children’s cotton flannel with fun animal designs. Then I realize — I could do this. This is just a straight line of stitches — I can make these.
I plan my trip to the fabric store and give my mother a quick call on the way, “You know, you can use fabric you already have, old towels, or t-shirts. The best napkins I even made were from pyjama pants. Use what you have — that way you don’t waste. That’s how we did it in the old days. That’s the best for the planet”.
My mom is very concerned about how we treat the planet and how we neglected it over the past fifty years. My trip to the fabric store is halted. My project is stopped. I’m frustrated — what is she thinking ruining my purchasing plans! Although I know deep down she is right.
After a week of wallowing in my pity of not purchasing new things I dug out some used cotton flannel. I’m embarrassed to say I have perfect cotton flannel blankets that I used for my baby when she first arrived. She was always wrapped up when she was little but these blankets are rarely used now.
Today we had supper with fresh new (previously loved) cotton flannel napkins and they are perfect.
I agree with my mom. We waste a lot and we must re-use.
To make your own napkins at home follow these steps:
- There is fabric in your house. Find some to re-purpose!
- Determine what size you would like. I made 14inchx14inch because my blankets cut perfectly into four of that size.
- Cut your material.
- Fold the edges and use an iron to flatten. Fold a second time to create a good hem and sew around the napkin.
- Tah dah!
- I’m not a sewing expert — there are several easy sewing tutorials. Find one that works for you.