The Truth About Happiness – 5 easy steps

The server places an Americano Misto on the café table next to my computer gently. So gently that I hardly notice and stay extra focused on my typing. She knows my routine and I like that. I’m at my favorite café, Cumin, in New Minas, Nova Scotia. I’m sitting at my favorite spot, a high bar table overlooking the parking lot and the Harvest Highway, I can see the blue sky and white clouds overhead. My toes rest inside my barefoot boots and they bend slightly around the wire rod on the bar stool.
This is my habit and I love it.
We are creatures of habit and these habits define us. If we want to live a life of happiness and contentment, we must practice contentment everyday and define our habits, ourselves.
Happiness is a choice. Here are five facts to help us create lasting joy.
1. Practice Prioritizing. What is most important to you?
Ask yourself, right now. What is it? Work? Kids? Art? Exercise? That thing – Prioritize it.
Right now, writing is most important to me. Don’t get me wrong, I have a beautiful 4-year-old who I love dearly but right now, happiness for me comes from the time I find to write. I have to put in extra effort to find time alone to write.

Find what you love and prioritize it. Focusing on what we love most will bring joy.
2. Practice Simplifying. Your Space, Your Mind.
Your physical space is an extension of your mind. Minimize distractions. This means it is time to declutter, remove those old books we never read, don’t leave stacks of things. Create space in your house for the air to flow and this will create freedom in your mind for the happiness to flow.

Decluttering your mind, activities, and house will bring joy.
3. Be Kind. Practice Compassion.
Sounds simple but this means loving yourself and being compassionate towards others. We all know that, ‘difficult person’. Forget how they challenge you and focus on how you can be calm in their presence. Don’t let their dopey decisions affect your happiness.
Remember that every human is on their own path and fighting their own battle. At any moment you or I may be the ‘difficult person’. Practicing compassion towards ourselves and others will bring joy.
4. It’s nice to Want. Practice Non-attachment.
My grandmother, Baba, always said this. I didn’t understand as a child and it took some processes but she’s right. The wanting brings the joy. Create a wish-list. Put energy and emphasis on the best things you can find. Then, let go. Practicing nonattachment will bring joy.
My current, “Cool Stuff I Want” list.

5. Practice Gratitude. Say Thank you.
Look around you. We live in a world of wonderful things that we built, created, or even bought. We worked hard to be where we are. Practice gratitude daily and you will find joy.