It’s in you to Give

Blood. We have, we need it, we make it for free. People need it — we have to give it.
Pete gives blood every 56 days on the day. He hates to miss a day because that means one less day that he’s able to give. You see to give blood, Canadian Blood Services requires you to wait 56days before you can give again. I admire Pete, he organizes himself and his calendar to be sure and donate on time.

Right now while times are tough with Covid-19 rampant throughout the world it’s time to give what we can. Blood is always required but even moreso now.
I’ve tried to give blood but my iron is so very low that Canadian Blood Services would never allow it. I’m also a bit of an up and down girl and keeping a steady quantity is best for my health. Instead, on blood-donating days for Pete I make sure there are high sugar drinks, snacks, and a good supper ready for him.
Blood– it’s in all of us. It doesn’t discriminate. And we all need to take care of each other.