A new Tradition – December Days off

Pete’s milestone birthday was approaching and I loved thinking of all the different things we do, places we could go, and houses we could rent. I found some beautiful places for far more than we were willing to pay, but oh so beautiful on the Pacific North West! Alas– Covid19.
Originally, Australia was our destination. Get down under to soak up the sunshine for a fortnight in the southern hemisphere. Of course the sun was a draw but the primary calling was a visit with Pete’s womb mate, Rob. But, then, well, yes, 2020 happened. Alas, Covid19 — the only visits are via video chat.
In the end, with the recent health restrictions, we opted for a week off work and a 100% staycation. We stayed at home. We were together, in the same place, and we didn’t work. It was glorious. We are planning to take the first week of December off every year. Just as the Christmas energy is building, we are taking time out to relax, recharge, and prepare to stay present during the holidays and not get swept away.
We celebrated Pete’s birthday with food, bikes, and salt baths!

After breakfast we jumped on our bikes and dropped Juno off at Daycare for the day. We motored on our electric bikes to the Oak Bay Boathouse Beach Hotel which sits on the edge of the ocean hugging Dallas Road. We had a day with the outdoor hot water salt pools. So relaxing to feel the cold fresh air in your lungs while your body is warmed and cuddled by mineral salts. The hot tub and baths were followed by 60 minute deep tissue relaxing massage.

A refreshing bike ride along the ocean brought us to my favourite restaurant, Nourish. Alas- Covid19! The doors were closed and we opted for a Take Out burrito from La Taquista and biked home to enjoy it in the couch with the latest episode of 22Minutes.
We had The Taste of Taj for supper and a delicious (and requested) Apple Carrot Cake.
A great day celebrating a great dude who we love dearly!